About Us
Our Vision is to help meet the basic needs of millions of orphans and abandoned children across the India. We have partners with Indian Churches, Organisations, Families and Individuals to work together towards their goal.
Orphanages for India works with some of the most abused orphans on the Indian continent. We focus on those whose situation is most desparate. Children with no elatives or friends are in care of them. By the work of our partners we strive to make a difference in their lives of those children, giving them hope for a bright future and the opportunity to reach their potential growth.
What we do
Medical Relief Safe Health in Highly polluted areas is a question New Life & Life Trust is always to provide medical relief to the poor, helpless aged people and the destitute through the major support from the dedicated donors and well wishers.
Free services to the destitute
The Basic needs of the people is below poverty line is core group of New Life & Life Trust in providing food, clothing and note education for free of cost donors celebrate and commemorate their special days with these destitute.
What we belive in
New Life & Life Trust is an international humanitatarian and development charity. We aim to bring opportunity for the most abused children in India. We offer a hand–up, rather than a hand–out, to Indians caring for orphans through orphanages and home – based care.
An orphanage for India works solely through our partner organisation in India. We believe in Indian problems and our strategy to date has been based on empowering already existing projects.
New Life & Life Trust is a Old Organisation and one among the few NGO’s to promote, help catalyze food & educations for the under privileged children in India finds new and innovative ways to help and gather Children in India.
With its base in Chennai New Life & Life Trust works hand in hand with few other organizations to raise funds every month for the children back up with an energetic and like-minded team, New Life & Life Trust constantly looks out for opportunities to make in generous donations towards the well being of these children.
By New Life & Life Trust case, more than 90 children frowns every day with new adoptions form various societies. Helping is simply not only by making a donation but of making a long by making a long – term commitment.
New Life & Life Trust encourages, education and appreciates people who land their hands towards the well being of these children. New Life & Life Trust works in compliance with the principles of good governance.
Mentally challenged childrens
As a now we look after 45 inmates and we expect many like-minded people to encourage us to make a change in the life of the mentally Challenged Children.
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